Monday 7 December 2015

Update 2: Photos

Again here are some photos of what I've been up to during the last week:

School aerobics

  • Saturday morning aerobics for the seniors students at school
  • There was a big drum that John Mark was banging and all the students would preform an action  
  • All the senior students are going on a three day field trip in two weeks time - It's a big event that happens once a year so everyone is excited for it

Eating biryani
  • Eating a famous Indian dish called biryani with John Mark at school
  • They only eat this dish for very special occasions - This one was extremely spicy  

Sunday Morning
  • Giving a bible message on Sunday - I spoke on the fruits of the Spirit
  • Last Sunday I spoke on Joshua 4 - The memorial stones
  • Every few words needs to be translated
  • Everyone seems to understand the message and are very encouraged by it
  • All the women and men sit on opposite sides

Harvesting Paddy
  • On Saturday a small field of rice paddy that was next to the school was cut
  • Sunday afternoon everyone is put to work harvesting the paddy
  • They smash the paddy on stones or wooden seats which sends the small rice husks flying everywhere
  • It is very hard work and takes a long time but it is the only way to separate the rice
  • I even tried it out

Me harvesting Paddy

Back of the orphange
Pcture of a small plot of land next to the orphanage which they grow different fruits and vegetables

I'm beginning to get use to Indian life.  It is a very simple life without many worldly distractions.  I feel I can focus a lot more on God and serving Him faithfully.  It is very challenging managing to teach classes at school and preparing a bible talk each night but I'm thankful to have this wonderful opportunity.  It is amazing to see these precious children grow each day and how they love the Lord with all their heart.

This coming Friday, the 11th of December, I will be catching a bus down to Kerala to visit Andrew Philip.  It is a long bus trip, around 8 hours, and I hope to spend 10 days with him there.  We plan to visit different villages and share the Gospel. 

I've very thankful to the Lord for bringing me to India and being able to have these experiences.  I can see a lot of different needs everywhere and my heart really goes out to these people.  I'm hoping that the Lord can use me effectively to bring about His will, and if the opportunity arises to be able stay here longer.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel my the Lord give a good health to serve the orphans good courage continue
