Monday 16 November 2015

Day 8: First Day of School

Day 8 consisted of the following:
  • Last night
  • School
  • Food
Monday 16 November 2015

Last Night:
Last night after dinner I talked with the older boys in their room for a while, they are really great children, so friendly and nice.  It’s very difficult to put these experiences in writing because words just can't give the emotion felt that they deserve.  My heart goes out to these children so much, seeing them sleeping in cloth sacks on a flax mat on the concert floor is really hard to see.  Knowing that they have so little, been born into such terrible circumstances and seen such evil that no one should ever see, and yet they rejoice in the Lord, sing songs of praise to God and have joy in their hearts always.  The worries and cares of this world seem to fade away when I look at these orphans, it's really incredible, I  just hope to be able to love them, serve them and show them what Christ looks like, but yet I think they are more showing me.