Tuesday 26 January 2016

Indian Republic Day

The month of January has been very busy with preparing teaching lessons for the school, daily bible studies at the orphanage, and a bible message each Sunday morning.  There hasn't been many breaks from that routine as the school year ends in April instead of December as India's hottest months are May and June so everyone just works through January.  Even-though it has been busy and some days have been very challenging, overall I am still very much enjoying my time here in India and I hope to continue the Lord's work by extending my stay here for another month or two.
7th Standard class - Everyone was allowed to were casual clothes for the day
7th Standard class - Everyone was allowed to were casual clothes for the day
Adullam Education is the school's name that I teach at, it comes from the bible when David escaped to a cave that was called Adullam and everyone who needed refuge followed him there.  Most of the students come from very poor backgrounds and can't afford schooling so Raju offers them free education, and by Indian standards the school is actually very good quality.

During the past month the classes have finished their English books so I have taken a spoken English class for each standard.  The classes I teach range from 3rd-8th Standard which are 7-14 years old students.  The lessons are quite basic but I try to fill them with fun activities to help the kids learn.  They are all very excited when I take the class and complete any homework I give them to a good standard.  All of the students know basic English so I can teach and have conversations quite easily with them.  However most of them are not so good at reading and writing English.  Apart from English classes they have to learn Kannada, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social-Studies and Physical Education.  

5th Standard class -  The English teacher Kanaka is sitting in the middle
5th Standard class - The English teacher Kanaka is sitting in the middle

The teaching method in India is quite different to New Zealand is many ways but they do the best with the resources they have.  I am currently teaching them common English conversations and phases which they are trying to get the hang of.  They already have an English teacher whose name is Kanaka, a very nice young lady who grew up in the orphanage but she very much appreciates the help I give her, especially since she is due to have a baby within the next month or two.  Between the both of us we handle teaching the 6 different classes during the day and I also help out with physical education classes.  Each class is very unique and every child is very keen to learn.  I've made a lot of new friends with almost all of the students. 

Saturday morning marching and band practice
Today, January 26th, is Republic Day in India, it is to celebrate the constitution of India's government back in 1950.  It is a huge event in India as even the prime minister of France came to New Delhi to see the celebrations.  Every school has their own way of celebrating, whether it be a dance, song, or performance.  Over the last few weeks all the senior students at our school had been practicing marching and a performance called 'The lotus formation', it involves about 70 students standing in a large circle which all do a particular action at every drum beat which from a birds eye view looks rather amazing.  

All of the school teachers lined up looking smart in their uniforms
The events started at 7:30am at the school which included very formal marching, singing of the national anthem, salutes, speech's, singing of Kannada songs, and gift giving.  Of course I was made to be the honorable guest which received the royal treatment.  Even though it was a public holiday only one or two parents actually showed up to watch the events which was a bit disappointing.  At about 10am everyone headed over to the town hall which is a large open area full of people and different schools showing their performances.  I decided not to go and instead headed back home with a few others.  Being in public places in India is quite stressful as not only I stand out drastically and everyone wants to take a photo with me but there were warnings of possible riots and terrorist attacks for this particular day of celebration.

Republic Day program at the school
The needs in India are so great. Everyday I hear about the difficult circumstances that people are in and my heart is constantly burdened by this.  Everywhere I look there are needs to be met.  My heart really goes out to these people, especially the children as they are always happy and full of joy even though they have so little and the world around them is always a challenge.  But everyone shows such great kindness towards me, they always want to give me the best and make me feel as comfortable as possible.  I just thank the Lord for bringing me to India and using me to further his kingdom here.  I just hope to be a useful vessel, set part for His workmanship and showing the love of Christ to everyone I encounter. 

Evening bible study at the orphanage
Evening bible study at the orphanage