Sunday 20 December 2015

Rehoboth Orphanage

On Thursday morning Andrew dropped me off at the Rehoboth orphanage where I'd been invited to stay a few nights and help with the preparation for the celebrations this weekend.  This orphanage is run very differently to one in Hunsur and has very good facilities all throughout.  There were lots of people everywhere doing different jobs but I tried to help out where I could.  I met several other New Zealanders which have come for the special anniversary. It was very nice to meet other people from New Zealand as it was the first time I've been able to have a proper full English conversation with someone.  It was an amazing experience being at the orphanage and seeing how happy all the children were.

Watching the Rehoboth's primary school's Christmas show
Watching the Rehoboth's primary school's Christmas show
Helping out with all the work needed to prepare for this weekend
Helping out with all the work needed to prepare for the weekend 
A picture that was taken a few years ago when the orphanage had close to 200 girls
A picture that was taken a few years ago when the orphanage had close to 200 girls 
A photo gallery of pictures from the last 110 years at the orphanage
A photo gallery of pictures from the last 110 years at the orphanage
A picture of the founder Mr. Nagal in 1905
A picture of the founder Mr. Nagal in 1905
The children were celebrating with balloons
The children were celebrating with balloons
Evening celebrations with people singing hymns
Evening celebrations with people singing hymns

On Saturday I managed to meet up with Thomas and Sheela, an Indian couple that attend the same assembly as me in New Zealand.  They invited me back to stay a few nights at their place in Coimbatore which is about a 2 hour drive away.  We left the orphanage after the celebrations on the Saturday night and attended a small meeting on the Sunday morning.  It was a very nice and encouraging time and it was great to see such faithful believers meeting together.  There was a youth group meeting afterwards where we studied the armour of God from Ephesians 6.  There was a good number of young people and most of them have come from a tough hindu background.  On Tuesday or Wednesday I plan to take the bus back to Hunsur and continue teaching English at the school and taking evening bible studies at the orphanage which I'm really enjoying.

The Christian assembly meeting in Coimbatore
The Christian assembly meeting in Coimbatore