Tuesday 10 November 2015

Day 2: The Journey to Mysore Begins

Bangalore, India - Mysore, India

Day 2 consisted of the following:
  • Hotel stay at Bangalore
  • Catching the bus to Mysore
  • Bus trip to Mysore
  • Mysore

Tuesday 10th November 2015

Hotel Stay at Bangalore:
We spent the night at the orange suites hotel in Bangalore.  Slept reasonably well, quite comfortable, woke up at around 5am and couldn’t really get back to sleep.  The phone inside the room went off at 7am which was our morning wake up service we asked for.  I still have quite a blocked noise from the Rabies vaccination I had last Tuesday, hoping it will clear up soon.  Since it was now day time I could now see out the window.  I saw a very strange and different environment, everything from dirt roads, stray dogs to motorbikes.  We ordered breakfast from the hotel as it was included in the stay.