Tuesday 1 March 2016

The Last Days

My days in India have come to an end. The Lord is calling me to return back to New Zealand after spending close to 4 months in India.  Lord willing I will be getting onto a flight in Bangalore at 11pm on Tuesday 1st March and arriving back in Auckland just before midnight on Wednesday 2nd March. After which I hope to spend a few weeks resting and gathering my thoughts on what the Lord has taught me.

These last few days in India have been overwhelming. I cannot express the number of emotions felt from everyone showing such love towards me.  My heart really goes out to each of these precious children and I can’t help but think I could have done more as they deserve only the very best.  There is something about the pure innocents of children that makes you want to love them with all that you have and I'm sure this is what the Lord felt as He called the little children to come to Him.

Everyday my faith is being tested beyond what I can fathom as people continually open their hearts telling me of the great needs in their lives and I can do nothing but turn to the Lord giving the burden back to Him while praising Him for the God of wonder that He is.  I desire nothing less than to serve the Lord with all my life and to bring about His purpose which is for His name to be glorified among the nations.  I can't ever imagine myself going back to living in the path of ease and comfort after what God has shown to me, in that His plan for my life is far greater than what I could have ever dreamed. 

The Lord is working in India in a mighty way.  It feels as if life here is 50 years in the past and everyone is trying to find who the one true God is.  I would really love to come back to India and commit my life to the Lord's work here but it would only be if it is His calling for my life as I don't think my health would stand up to the task.  The needs are great and the harvest is plentiful but our God is greater so I pray the Lord of the harvest may send out laborers into His harvest.  

Giving my entire life to the Lord's service is the least I can do, as He is the one who has redeemed me and saved me from the punishment of sin through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  And He is calling each of us this very day to follow Him, may we use our time wisely and response to His call.  As His word says in Matthew 16:24-27:

"If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works."
Celebration with cake and all the teachers
Celebration with cake and all the teachers
Evening bible study at the orphanage - There were more people off picture
Evening bible study at the orphanage
Picture of the Eighth Standard class I taught for four months
The Eighth Standard class I taught for four months

Praise the Lord.