Sunday 8 November 2015


I've decided to write a blog/journal detailing my experiences in India.  The purpose was to be for personal use so I can later look back on the journey but I realise there are some people who would be interested in reading these experiences and seeing how I am getting on, so I thought I would share it with you.

I'm not very good at story making and relaying experiences so it may become a bit of a boring read but I will try to make it as exciting as possible while remaining true.  I'm also not the greatest photographer but I will attempt to take pictures where I can.  I'm not sure how accessible the internet will be so updates may be irregular.  Please feel free to leave me a comment, suggestion, or advice.

As you may know already, I have travelled to India with the plan to work voluntarily at an orphanage and a Christian school in a small town called Hunsur for three months, I'm hoping to gain experience in knowing God and myself more deeply.  I expect many challenges and difficulties ahead and would appreciate your prayers.  

Map showing the flight path from New Zealand to India - Layover in Singapore - 14 hour flight

Map showing the cities I will be visiting - Bangalore, Mysore, Hunsur